Unity Fbx Model
I generate model buildings dynamically in Unity3d. After they are generated I have lots of Meshes in the Scene. How do I save it as a.fbx file? I was used 5.x before, and that version when I loaded FBX, Unity generated each material automatically, so I can change them like assigning textures or change shader.
I am new in using Unity. In my game, models and animations are exported from 3DMAX as.fbx files, animations are clipped in Unity, but there's no.anim files. The Unity FBX Exporter is a simple FBX writer designed to export static objects from Unity into the FBX format, preserving the materials, game object hierarchy and.
I don t want use AssetDatabase, because I have many count of meshes and meterials - it takes long time save each assets separate (somethimes 1 day). I dont may use format.obj, because its could not save transform of meshes. I have many gameObjects, that contains the same mesh, but with some transform (move, scale or rotate).
Dwnload The Prophet By Richard Harris. If I use obj then its generate for each new transfrom gameobject new mesh - Its very bad, because I generate assetbundles for its (very big size of assetbundles became). Cara Membuat Game Tetris Dengan Game Maker. – Nov 5 '15 at 13:25.