Ass Crack Or Butt Crack

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Ass Crack Or Butt Crack

This is embarrsing - but I have had this problem for about 2 years now. Have lived with it off and on now but its getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. There is about a 2 inch slit/tear within my butt crack. Its couple inches south of tailbone.

The cleft between the cheeks of the buttocks.Dude, pull up your pants. Your butt crack is showing. See more words with the same meaning: buttocks, butt, ass. Browse Butt Crack pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket. Purposeful Ass Crack. Normal people wearing low-rise pants. View allAll Photos Tagged buttcrack. Yes, it's pronounced beaut as in beauty not butt as in buttcrack.

Ass Crack Or Butt Crack

I do not know what this is caused from. I sit at a desk all day, some people tell me its sweat, or a yeast problem? My regular MD doctor didnt know what it would be caused from. I was instructed to keep it dry and then put desatin on it but that does nothing.

I switched to bag balm, it heals it up for a few days and then it goes right back to being split open and starts to bleed a little. This stings when I take a shower too!! Any suggestions on what I can do? I can't afford to go see a dermatologist right now. Hello, One possibility is of pilonidal cyst. In this the skin becomes reddened or even sometimes looks like a small bruise)When it is infected, it causes pain. Antibiotics or surgical drainage may be required. Danger Of Cracked Tooth.

Look at the skin of the lower back. If you see a cyst or pus filled cyst, it can be a pilonidal cyst or an infection of the sebaceous glands of the skin in the area which can form into an abscess and thereby the acute pain.

I feel that physical examination by a doctor is necessary to make a diagnosis. I hope it helps.

Take care and regards. Hello, One possibility is of pilonidal cyst. In this the skin becomes reddened or even sometimes looks like a small bruise)When it is infected, it causes pain. Antibiotics or surgical drainage may be required.

Look at the skin of the lower back. If you see a cyst or pus filled cyst, it can be a pilonidal cyst or an infection of the sebaceous glands of the skin in the area which can form into an abscess and thereby the acute pain. I feel that physical examination by a doctor is necessary to make a diagnosis. I hope it helps. Take care and

Usually doctors can not think outside of what they have learned. That is to say, if they have not learned it in a book it either does not exist or they just have no idea. When this happens they will 'force' your situation to fit their knowledge base. Case in point talking about a cyst. A split in your skin is a split in your skin pure and simple. People can relate it to the sometimes split people have at the corner of their mouths. No cysts involved no scare tactics needed to have an operation.

I have the same problem, I use aloe and vitamin e and keep it dry with baby powder. I did notice it usually happens if my skin becomes moist for too long, like when I sweat. I also noticed that it comes back more easily based on my diet, drinking too much etc.

Its likely to be a ph problem that inhibits the bodies natural defenses against normal bacteria. It becomes itchy and if you scratch the skin breaks and vola. Oddly enough anti-bacteria ointments do nothing, the skin does not heal back. Usually doctors can not think outside of what they have learned. That is to say, if they have not learned it in a book it either does not exist or they just have no idea. When this happens they will 'force' your situation to fit their knowledge base.