Nokia 500 Unlock Code Generator
Nokia Lumia Models 1. Insert your new non accepted SIM card.
The phone will now show the following message: 3. 'This sim card can only be used on specific networks. Contact your customer service center for the unlock code' ( It will also display how many attempts remain ). Press the 'Enter Pin Button' and enter the unlock code we sent you to unlock your phone.
Nokia BB5 Code Input Instructions ( All New (ish) Nokia Phones are BB5, Unless Lumia) 1. Switch ON your phone without SIM Card 2. Oracle Dumps Pdf. Type the following into the phone # P W + CODE + 1 # ( CODE being the unlocking code ) To get letter P press * button quickly 3 times To get letter W press * button quickly 4 times To get letter + press * button quickly 2 times 3. The phone will show 'SIM Restriction Off' and will be unlocked. Note: your unlock code is normally 15 digits long, sometimes you may get 2 codes for your nokia BB5 phone, if this is the case the second code should be entered as # P W + CODE + 1 # just like the first code ( CODE being the unlocking code ) IMPORTANT TIP ONLY FOR UK ORANGE LOCKED NOKIA Some Orange UK Nokia codes may fail, if this is the case use +7# instead of +1# for the code to work Nokia BB5 Models - with full keyboards (E5, E61 / E62 etc) 1.