Blackberry Desktop Software 4.7
• 1 BlackBerry will no longer be providing updates, including security updates, for BlackBerry Desktop Software. It will continue to be available for download, but there will be no technical support available. • 2 BlackBerry Blend requires BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.3 or above. • 3 For BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) managed smartphones, BlackBerry Blend requires BES 10.2. Download Wii Common-key. 4 or higher. In order to access corporate data in BlackBerry Blend, your BlackBerry Enterprise Service IT Admin must provide access.
Information on how to install and configure BlackBerry Blend for BES10 and newer is available to IT Admins by visiting. • 4 BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10.2.4 or above required for intranet access via BlackBerry Blend On-page Styles.
Resetting the BlackBerry smartphone to factory defaults will erase all data from the BlackBerry smartphone (including built-in storage) along with any IT policies sent from a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. In addition, an applied BlackBerry ID will be removed, allowing the use of another. Can Moneydance Import Quicken Files on this page. Warning: It is recommended to backup all BlackBerry smartphone data prior to performing a reset to factory defaults to ensure the data is not permanently lost. You can perform a backup of the BlackBerry smartphone using Article. For BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.1 to 7.1 These versions of BlackBerry Desktop Software have built-in functionality to perform a reset to factory defaults.