8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit Software
In our experiments we used Micro 85 EB trainer kit from Vi Micro systems. The steps involved in doing programs in trainer kit are summarized below.
1.Write the program 2.Prepare the hex code of the program 3.Enter the hex code to trainer kit in suitable locations(eg:From 4100 H) 4. Driver Itv 300 Pci Tv Tuner. Give sufficient data for program in data memory(eg:From 4200 H) 5.Run the program 6.Check for output The programming procedure is explained through an example. Consider the case of addition of two 8 bit numbers. WRITE THE PROGRAM MV1 C,00 LDA 4200 MOV B,A LDA 4201 ADD B JNC LABEL1 INRC LABEL1:STA 4202 MOV A,C STA 4203 HLT 2.PREPARE HEX CODE OF THE PROGRAM Hex code is preparing in accordance with the Intel Hex file format.The hex code table is given below.Each instruction has a hex code. Consider the instruction ADD B.From the hex file format the corresponding hex code is 80.
Consider STA 4203.The first location should contain the hex code of STA. That is 32.Next location should contain the LSB of 4203, that is 03.The next location should contain the MSB of the address,that is 42. The hex code table is given below The hex code of the above program is given below.
Subject: microprocessor 8085 training kit If I really needed to either 1) learn about or teach the 8085 hardware and software, or 2) had a project where the boss. 1.Write the program 2. Alvin And The Chipmunks 3 there. Prepare the hex code of the program 3.Enter the hex code to trainer kit in. INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSOR TRAINER KIT AND. Intel 8085 Microprocessor Kit. Build your own Microprocessor training kit with the Intel 8085 Microprocessor. Run user code with software breakpoint.
LABEL ADDRESS MNEMONIC CODE COMMENT LABEL1 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 410A 410B 410C 410D 410E 410F 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 MVI C,00 – LDA 4200 – – MOV B,A LDA 4201 – – ADD B JNC LABEL1 – – INR C STA 4202 – – MOV A,C STA 4203 – – HLT 0E 00 3A 00 42 47 3A 01 42 80 D2 0E 41 0C 32 02 42 79 32 03 42 76 Write the meaning of each instruction in this column 3.ENTER THE HEX CODE TO THE TRAINER The obtained hex code now can be entered to the trainer. Assume the program is entering from location 4100. Now to enter the code,press SUB key +4100+NEXT key. Now the location will be 4100. Now start entering the program. After entering each code press the NEXT key to get the next location. 4.ENTER SUFFICIENT DATA In the above program the two numbers which are to be added are to be supplied.
Suppose the data memory is from locations 4200.To write data press SUB key +4200+NEXT key. Now the address will be 4200.Enter the first data in 4200.Now press NEXT key to get the next location. 5.EXCECUTE THE PROGRAM Assume the program is from location 4100 and data memory is from 4200.Then the command to execute the program is SUB key+4100+EXEC key. Now there will be an E symbol on the display. This indicates the running of program. CHECKING DATA MEMORY FOR RESULTS After few seconds the running is stopping by an interrupt. Then the data memory can be read t get the result of running by the SUB key +4200+NEXT key.
In our example assume the input numbers are 05 and 04.The output after running the program is given below. ADDRESSES DATA INPUT/OUTPUT 4200 05 Input 4201 04 Input 4202 09 Output 4203 00 Output.