Pickit 3 Stand Alone Software

Cenusareasa Desene Animate In Limba Romana. Re: PICkit 3 Stand alone Programmer Final « Respuesta #6 en: 12 de Octubre de 2012, 20:47:05 » Es que el programa al abrirlo tenia problemas y se trababa.
Citar Known Issues: ------------- >Device auto-detect is not yet functional, but the device ID is verified (if the device has one) before all operations. >Some text in the status message box falls off the edge of the box and cannot be read. >The 'Blank Check' feature can frequently indicate that a blank device is not blank. Typically this is due to a configuration word mismatch in the device file. There is no work-around, but manually verifying the configuration values as 'blank' is possible by reading the device. >The Checksum calculation is not fully tested yet and may not match MPLAB in all cases.
>Ugly Betty Saison 2 Complete French Torrent. A 'No target device found' error is sometimes shown after switching or updating the AP. Simply retry the operation. >The application can have problems communicating to the PICkit 3 if the AP or RS is corrupt (say, from an interrupted transfer). The easiest work-around is to use MPLAB to re-flash the programmer with the latest version of the firmware ('Manual Download' in the programmer settings). This manifests itself as trouble connecting to the PICkit 3 or, in the worst cases, application crashes.
>The application cannot recover a PICkit 3 that has only the bootloader AP installed. This is not a normal occurance; it can only happen if there is a write failure during certain parts of the firmware upgrade process.
Use MPLAB to recover the firmware to a consistent state. >The application will sometimes not launch with the PICkit 3 connected. Disconnecting the PICkit 3 should cause the application to show. Known quirks: ------------- >Turning off target power supplied by the PICkit 3 can take a noticable amount of time under some circumstances. Two work-arounds exist: Supply target power externally, or manually enable target power from the PICkit 3 before an operation so that it is not automatically disabled afterwards.
>The 'Blank Check' feature does not update the progress bar.