Nordheimer Upright Piano Serial Number

Heintzman Serial no & Age. Find out how old your Heintzman piano is by looking up the serial number below. Current Heintzman Pianos: Year. Nordheimer Piano & Music Co history article with exclusive image. The serial number on the metal would date it being. Hi I have a Nordheimer upright piano. Hi is any one interested in buying my Nordheimer Special piano. Serial # 19330. The first tuning was in 1935, then 1936. I have kept up with the tuning. It sounds good but I do not have time to play anymore. Relais Timer Software on this page. If any one is interested, please contact me with an offer. On the piano, the wording says Nordheimer-Toronto established in 1840. Piano Age Calculator with Serial Number Records from. I should insure my small upright piano for. Ecco Pro 4.01. It wasn’t till I stumbled across your Piano Calculator that I.
More player pianos were built in America between 1900 and 1930 than any other single type of piano. A conventional player piano is operated via a perforated paper roll inserted above the keyboard, and large pumping pedals below the keyboard. While pumping these pedals, vacuum is created which pulls air through the holes in the paper roll, causing the piano note to play.
By 1910, all major manufacturers had at least one line of player pianos. By 1920, player pianos dominated the market place. In the years before the phonograph and radio, the player piano was the only means of musical entertainment for the public at large. They were as common in the household then as our big screen television is today! Thousands of song titles were available for player piano rolls, and rolls were sold by the millions.
By the time the Great Depression hit, the radio and phonograph offered a much more affordable means of entertainment, and the player piano seemed to vanish overnight. In the last part of the 18 th century, John Jacob Astor started importing square grand pianos to America from Europe. By the turn of the 19 th century, a handful of makers are recorded as having made some of the first square grand pianos in America. For the next 100 years, the square grand piano would evolve into a larger, heavier, and more mechanically refined instrument. During the 19 th century, American piano makers built and sold more square grand pianos than grand pianos or upright pianos!