Medical Store Management System Project Report
INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT MEDICAL SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYNOPSIS Today the world's most forward looking medical agency are trying to provide more reliable and accurate services in their field, offering services to the customers and employees with all the available choices in their interest. Samsung Smart Tv Bluetooth Pairing there. It may be a leading many different medical shops.
Every Shop nowadays is trying to computerize its activities to provide better services to its customers. The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized equipments and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. This project, “MEDICAL STORE SYSTEM” also a step towards offering more or less the similar features. This system enables to manage and record the activities of whole medical Shop of multi-facility skills only.

It enables the other staff to provide their services in a more systematic and efficient manner, hence improving the goodwill of concerned institution. This helps the administrator to analyze upon the performance of institution. Objectives of the Project Medical Shop Management System Synopsis The main objectives behind the development of this project are as follows: • To assist the medical shop keeper and wholesalers in capturing the effort spent on their respective working areas. • To utilize human resource of the institution in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity through automation. • Being provided on the intranet the administrators can monitor the medical shop’s activity right from their own desktop. This will let them take managerial decisions.
Archicad 13 B3000 X64_crk.exe .torrent. • The system generates a number of types of reports that can be then used for various managerial and administrative purposes. • It also gives a brief picture of the institution’s progress. • Helps in keeping track of all the activities of the medical agency like login/logout time, security related activities, etc. And thus helps in finding out the performance level of the centre.
Thus, there is a number of objectives behind developing the “MEDICAL STORE SYSTEM” and it reduces a lot of burden of the managers by simplifying the tasks of reporting etc. INPUT IN THE PROJECT MEDICAL SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYNOPSIS • To store the information of the customer. • To store the information of the supplier.
• To store the information of the medicines. • To store the information Employees.
• To store the information of the worker. • To store the information of the worker salary. • To store the information of the worker salary details. OUTPUT OF THE PROJECT MEDICAL SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYNOPSIS • To store the information of the customer. • To store the information of the supplier. • To store the information of the medicines. • To store the information Employees.
• To store the information of the worker. • To store the information of the worker salary. • To store the information of the worker salary details.
This mini project in C Medical Store Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, you can add, modify and delete records of customers, suppliers and medicines. You can also search for customer or supplier details and medicines added into stock. Search can be done by medicine id, customer id or supplier name.
The source code for this project is large, complete and totally error-free. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE with. Unlike other C program source codes, I haven’t displayed the source code for this mini project on Medical Store Management System in C here because it’s too long – over 2500 lines. You can directly access the source code plus application file from the download links. Download Mini Project in C Medical Store Management System with Source Code. With Source Code About Medical Store Management System Project: This mini project is a very comprehensive one. File handling has been extensively and effectively used for almost major functions.
The whole project is based on file handling as all medical records are stored in file. Data structure have been used to store and organize records. Overall, understanding this project will provide you valuable information on how to store, edit, search and delete data using file. Here, you can input many information like medicine Id, rack no., cabinet no., supplier’s name, unit cost, price, etc while adding a medicine into the store.
Medical Store Management System Project Report A ampics library project report on medical store, a project report on medical store management system submitted.