Manual Mini Straw Bale Press
Thering Family Farm was started in 1976 by Gary and Nancy Thering in Lyndonville, New York. We began our operation by selling quality hay and straw to horse owners in New York and Pennsylvania. As time went on, we looked for a way to expand into other areas.
Large bales were not necessary for most urban and suburban uses. We designed and built our own twine baler and support equipment to produce mini straw bales.
We started our production in a corner of our barn producing about one hundred bales the first year. After much trial and error, we improved our production and packaging methods. We are now capable of producing thousands of mini straw bales in a year. Our original label, Scarecrow’s Finest Straw Bale, and our web site, Mini Straw Bales Direct, are now being used to market our product.
Vertical Manual Baler Handled by Single Operator,witness Large Savings on. Chopped straw, rice. Making them ideal for anyone who has waste to bale. Home built mini hay bale press. Project by Von. Once it’s dry enough to bale I will have some action & product shots. Straw bales for Thanksgiveing.

If you think you’ve seen this kind of thing on the internet sooooomewhere before, you are right. I loosely based my build on different models I found on the far reaches of YouTube and other internet haunts. The 2 versions mine is most closely related to both used a set of internal rails that the plunger block sat between. I had initially thought to do the same thing, until I realized that if the plunger block was made a bit longer, it would self-guide and likely not need the internal rails to keep it in position. Actually, I didn’t want to go to all the work of getting the rails in the right place and getting matched rail slots cut in the block Could have been done, I just got.lazy. It turned out that an 8 inch long plunger block actually self guides very nice. A slight bit of sanding on all sides to give it a fingernail’s width of slop against the inside walls and she slides back and forth like it’s on bearings. Hospitality Management Strategy And Operations 2nd Edition.