Lg R200 Dual Display Driver Xp

Sir, I am thameem mailing from UAE, india. I use an LG R200 laptop. It has an auxilery display(dual) that has windows slideshow on it so that I can access laptop information without having to turn on the laptop. Unfortunately, recently it stopped displaying windows sideshow but instead it started displaying some. Sir, I am thameem mailing from UAE, india. I use an LG R200 laptop.
This page contains the driver installation download for LG Dual Display in supported models (R200-D. Download Mapcreate Software. CPRBG) that are running a supported operating system.
It has an auxilery display(dual) that has windows slideshow on it so that I can access laptop information without having to turn on the laptop. Unfortunately, recently it stopped displaying windows sideshow but instead it started displaying some firmware settings. I tried going through the settings to see if I could get windows sideshow displaying again. I accidentally deleted the firmware completely and now all that displays is the basic bios for the system.I don't have firmware. I missed out that Driver CD too.I don't have a firmware to install.Please send me the firmware software that required to install and make Windows slide show(Dual display device) to function.It as second display at the lid. I have contacted Lg many times bu tfed up with there response. Plesase help me to solve this issue Awaiting for your reply Thanks & Best Regards, Thameem Ansari N MObile:979.
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