Indesign Scripts

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Free for the taking: a heaping helping of features that make InDesign better, faster, and more fun When was the last time a new feature was added to InDesign that got you really excited? If you’re like me, it’s been quite a while. But what if I told you there were literally hundreds of cool and useful features you could add to InDesign right now, for free?

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Helping CreativePros learn the tools, techniques, and methods for creating, engaging, and publishing. At you can find a cool range of add-ons and scripts for Adobe® InDesign®. We have add-ons and scripts to. Easily create rich, interactive, accessible.

And you can add just the ones that are useful to you, with no worries about “bloating” the application. Well, that is exactly what you can do with scripts. And as part of our 100th issue celebration, I thought it would be fun to gather up 100 awesome free scripts to share with you. This article appeared in of InDesign Magazine. Now I know some of you are thinking we already did this recently, with Erica Gamet’s Script-o-pedia article in. Ah, but this is a completely different set of scripts! Not a single one of these scripts appeared in that article. Rapeplay Game more.

That’s not to say these are all new scripts. Some of them are what I’d call “classics. Forest Pack Pro. ” These are scripts that have been around for a while, but still work and are no less valuable than the day they appeared. Others are fairly new to the scene. They’re (almost) all cross-platform; 99 of them work on both Mac and Windows.

And none of them will cost you a cent to use. But please consider making a donation to the person wrote any script that you find useful. Now, without further ado, on with the scripts! Text & Table Scripts: Add labels either to style ranges, paragraphs, stories or just the current insertion point, listing up to 15 properties of text formatting.: Highlights all text in a document to which the No Break attribute has been applied.: Removes unnecessary white space from either the whole document, a story, or a text selection.: Create your own custom kerning tables.: Displays a dialog box of all missing glyphs in a document, organized by font.....

This article from InDesign Magazine is for InDesignSecrets premium subscribers only. To continue reading, please log in above, or Thanks for supporting InDesignSecrets! Interesting feedback, thank you! As the co-publisher of this site I just feel compelled to weigh in here. I’m a long-time reader of dozens of other blogs, some of which I subscribe to but most that I don’t, and I’m keenly aware of maintaining trust with our readers while finding cost-effective ways to maintain and grow the subscriptions that support all our efforts. Out of the 20–25 InDesignSecrets blog posts that go up every month, most are free to read in their entirety by anyone, but 5 or 6 of them are premium-access only: HTML versions of articles from InDesign Magazine (like this one) and our InDesign template/swipe file of the month. When we started converting some of the magazine articles to HTML (as a convenience to our PDF subscribers) we initially included a phrase like “premium subscribers” in the title, like you suggest.