How Do I Look Wolfgang Busch

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How Do I Look Wolfgang Busch

How Do I Look is a LGBT Historic Art Documentary, released in 2006 as a documentary film directed by Wolfgang Busch, assistant directors are Kevin Omni and Luna Khan. Distributed by Art From The Heart; USA, 80 minutes. Gta Killer Kip Full Version more. How Do I Look world premiered at the NewFest Film Festival in New York City in 2006, won a Humanitarian Award at the Black International Cinema in Berlin, Germany in 2008, and won the Pill Award for Best Documentary in New York City in 2007.

Theses / Research

How Do I Look is an artistic empowerment and HIV/AIDS awareness community project and is used by university, college, and high school students and by community based institutions for theses, research and outreach, and is screened at festivals and special events worldwide. How Do I Look is about the Harlem House Ball competitions, also known as “Drag Balls”.

Wolfgang Busch: Starring. I think everyone should watch both 'How Do I Look' and 'Paris Is Burning' to educate themselves about the ball scene and pop culture. How Do I Look: Wolfgang Busch, Pepper Labeija, Octavia St. Laurent, Jose & Carmen Xtravaganza, Willi Ninja, Kevin Omni, Luna Khan, Kevin Aviance. Thank you letters to Wolfgang fromNot-For-Profit organizations Ganga Stone, ex. For God's Love We Deliver Charles King, co-ex. For Housing Works. Mp3 Ungu Religi 2011 there. ' Director Wolfgang Busch captures the creative way society's disenfranchised express themselves through. Over 100 people each day discover How Do I Look on Youtube.

According to a 2005 article published by The New York Times, the director spent a decade collecting footage to create How Do I Look.