C 2 Delphi Converter

Download C 2 Delphi or C 2 Pascal Converter Player.exe Gps. Lg Connection Manager Software. . Download C 2 Delphi or C 2 Pascal Converter. Login; Create an account; Software Free. Battery life of portable computers are to short, anytime they can go out, Smarter Battery shows. This tool will convert most of your standard C code.. Download executable here. It contains a split view, with C on the left and Delphi on the right. The Delphi code.
Advertisement Convert C source code into Delphi/Pascal source code. License Demo Date Added Price USD $79.00 Category Filesize 660.0 KB Author Convert C source code into Delphi/Pascal source code. The program can help you to port existing applications to another new program language. Special 26 Full Movie Utorrent. It will change the C syntax into the Pascal syntax. The program has a batch conversation function to procress mulitple files and can progress include files.